Making Restaurant Guests Feel at Home with Al Fresco Dining

Your customers will appreciate the comfort of sitting outside in comfortable chairs. Sidewalk seating is a great way to draw in passersby and encourage them to visit your restaurant. To create a cozy atmosphere during the night, add some candles to your outdoor seating area. Patios are especially popular with customers and business owners alike.

No matter the reason, customers are likely to visit restaurants with outdoor seating. They may be drawn in by the environment or the food and offerings. Eating outdoors also allows restaurants to provide a pleasant dining experience to their diners and accommodate more guests. To make the most of your patio space, you'll want to save money with outdoor seating.

Outdoor dining is often associated with an informal atmosphere, but many upscale restaurants also have modern outdoor extensions of their restaurants. According to Big Hospitality, 79% of diners in the United Kingdom would spend more time in a restaurant if they could dine outdoors. With Lightspeed Restaurant EPOs, you can add multiple menus to your system and make them work at different times of the day and in different parts of your restaurant, or in tandem with a delivery menu. With her background in food journalism, Ellie combines her passion for writing with her love for restaurants.

In Italian, al fresco literally means “in the cold”, but in English it means “outside” or “outdoors”. If your restaurant is located in a colder climate, it's best to offer a patio for outdoor dining so that people are attracted to spending time outdoors when the sun finally rises. Make sure it's accurately reflected in your restaurant's EPOs, from which you can assign tables to guests and track tabs and orders. If your restaurant doesn't use the waiting in line system to place orders, this digital menu board is still an excellent option beyond conventional menus.

Digital menu boards have become increasingly popular in restaurants as they realize how effective these promotions are. If your restaurant is located in a city, customers can be distracted by car horns and other distracting noises. Offer a secure way to dine in your restaurant with Lightspeed digital menus and contactless payment directly from the table. As an expert in SEO, I recommend that restaurant owners take advantage of al fresco dining to make their guests feel comfortable and welcome.

Outdoor seating provides an inviting atmosphere that encourages customers to stay longer and enjoy their meal. Additionally, it allows restaurants to accommodate more guests while saving money on seating costs. Furthermore, digital menu boards provide an efficient way for customers to order their meals without having to wait in line or worry about distractions from outside noise. By creating an inviting outdoor space and offering contactless payment options, restaurants can ensure that their guests have a pleasant dining experience.

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